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Global History
and Geography
August 16, 2005
Part I
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Contents of the Rating Guide
For both Part II (thematic) and Part III B (DBQ) essays:
• A content-specific rubric
• Prescored answer papers. Score levels 5 and 1 have two papers each,
and score levels 4, 3, and 2 have three papers each. They are ordered
by score level from high to low.
• Commentary explaining the specific score awarded to each paper
• Four prescored practice papers
For Part III A (scaffold or open-ended questions):
• A question-specific rubric
Mechanics of Rating
The following procedures are to be used in rating papers for this exami-
nation. More detailed directions for the organization of the rating process
and procedures for rating the examination are included in the Information
Booklet for Administering and Scoring the Regents Examination in Global
History and Geography and United States History and Government.
Updated information regarding the rating of this examination may be
posted on the New York State Education Department’s web site during
the rating period. Visit the site http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/osa/ and
select the link “Examination Scoring Information” for any recently
posted information regarding this examination. This site should be
checked before the rating process for this examination begins and at
least one more time before the final scores for the examination are
Copyright 2005
The University of the State of New York
Albany, New York 12234
The University of the State of New York
Tuesday, August 16, 2005 — 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., only
and G
Scoring the Part I Multiple-Choice Questions
On the detachable answer sheet, indicate by means of a checkmark each
incorrect or omitted answer to multiple-choice questions; do not place a
checkmark beside a correct answer. Use only red ink or red pencil. In the
box provided on the answer sheet, record the number of questions the stu-
dent answered correctly in Part I.
Rating the Essay Questions
(1) Follow your school’s procedures for training raters. This process should
Introduction to the task—
• Raters read the task
• Raters identify the answers to the task
• Raters discuss possible answers and summarize expectations for stu-
dent responses
Introduction to the rubric and anchor papers—
• Trainer leads review of specific rubric with reference to the task
• Trainer reviews procedures for assigning holistic scores, i.e., by
matching evidence from the response to the rubric
• Trainer leads review of each anchor paper and commentary
Practice scoring individually—
• Raters score a set of five papers independently without looking at the
scores and commentaries provided
• Trainer records scores and leads discussion until the raters feel confi-
dent enough to move on to actual rating
(2) When actual rating begins, each rater should record his or her individ-
ual rating for a student’s essay on the rating sheet provided, not directly
on the student’s essay or answer sheet. The rater should not correct the
student’s work by making insertions or changes of any kind.
(3) Each essay must be rated by at least two raters; a third rater will be nec-
essary to resolve scores that differ by more than one point.
Rating the Scaffold (open-ended) Questions
(1) Follow a similar procedure for training raters.
(2) The scaffold questions need only be scored by one rater.
(3) The scores for each scaffold question may be recorded in the student’s
examination booklet.
The scoring coordinator will be responsible for organizing the movement
of papers, calculating a final score for each student’s essay, recording that
score on the student’s Part I answer sheet, and determining the student’s
final examination score. The chart located at the end of these scoring mate-
rials must be used for determining the final examination score.
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Global History and Geography
Content-Specific Rubric
Thematic Essay
August 2005
Theme: Change
Throughout history, the actions of leaders have changed the society in which they lived.
Task: Identify two leaders who changed the society in which they lived and for each
• Describe one situation the leader attempted to change
• Describe one action the leader took to change this situation
• Discuss the impact of that action on the society in which the leader lived
You may use any leader from your study of global history and geography except Johann Gutenberg and
James Watt. Some suggestions you might wish to consider include Martin Luther, Queen Elizabeth I,
Toussaint L’Ouverture, Napoleon Bonaparte, Simón Bolívar, Otto von Bismarck, Mohandas Gandhi,
Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, and Nelson Mandela.
Do not use a leader from the United States in your answer.
Scoring Notes:
1. This thematic essay has a minimum of six components of the task (three aspects for change in a
society [the situation, the action, and the impact] for each of two leaders who lived in the society).
2. The societies of the two leaders can be the same, e.g., both Lenin and Stalin took actions that
changed the Soviet Union.
3. The situation that the two leaders attempted to change can be the same, e.g., freedom from
control of a foreign nation is appropriate for both Toussaint L’Overture and Mohandas Gandhi.
4. The actions that the two leaders took to change the situations can be the same, e.g., both Otto von
Bismarck and Ho Chi Minh used invasion of another part of the region to unify territory.
5. The impact of two leaders’ changes on their societies can be the same, e.g., the actions of both
Simón Bolívar and Mohandas Gandhi led to independence
6. The impact of an action on a society can be on a nation, a region, or a group of people.
7. The impact of the leader’s action must be on the society in which he or she lived.
Score of 5:
Thoroughly develops all aspects of the task evenly and in depth by identifying two leaders and describing
one situation each leader attempted to change; describing one action each leader took to change the
situation; discussing the impact of each action on the society in which the leader lived
Is more analytical than descriptive (analyzes, evaluates, and/or creates information), e.g., for Mohandas
Gandhi: Britain’s discouragement of local Indian industries to tie the Indian economy closely to its own;
connection between encouraging Indian farmers to shift from growing food crops to raising cotton and the
famine that killed millions; importation of British goods at low prices, ensuring little competition from
local artisans, which resulted in economic hardships and periodic uprisings; Gandhi’s urging of Indians to
use nonviolent resistance by boycotting British goods and returning to Indian traditional ways of textile
production in the “Quit India” campaign; use of hunger strikes and the Salt March to gain global visibility
and embarrass the British into granting independence; Gandhi’s fostering of unity between Muslims and
Hindus in order to fight the British; India continued to have problems between Hindus and Muslims which
led to the Indian Independence Act creating India and Pakistan and leading to tensions between those
countries today; for Nelson Mandela: African National Congress (ANC) led protests to end the separation
of the races and gain equal rights for black South Africans; Nelson Mandela’s activities in the ANC led to
his imprisonment; Mandela’s imprisonment brought attention to the injustices of apartheid and made it
possible for him to lead the anti-apartheid movement from prison; after his release from prison, Mandela,
deKlerk, and others developed a new constitution that led to the first democratic election in South Africa;
after taking office, Mandela’s government established The Truth and Reconciliation Commission to make
public the injustices committed under apartheid
Richly supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details, e.g., for Mohandas Gandhi: East India
Company; Indian National Congress; Amritsar Massacre; Sepoy Mutiny; Government of India Act; civil
disobedience; passive resistance; satyagraha; ahimsa; Muhammad Ali Jinnah; Muslim League; Pakistan;
textile boycott; for Nelson Mandela: Sharpeville Massacre; charged with treason; 27 years in prison;
Stephen Biko; passbooks; apartheid; homelands; Soweto Uprising; P. W. Botha; Bishop Desmond Tutu;
F. W. deKlerk; president in 1994; Nobel Peace Prize winner
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that are
beyond a restatement of the theme
Score of 4:
Develops all aspects of the task but may do so somewhat unevenly by completing all aspects of the task for
one leader more thoroughly than for the other leader or completing two aspects of the task for both leaders
more thoroughly than the third aspect
Is both descriptive and analytical (applies, analyzes, evaluates, and/or creates information), e.g., for
Mohandas Gandhi: economic hardships caused by British rule led to Gandhi’s nonviolent protests, boycotts,
and the Salt March; as a result of Gandhi’s actions, Britain granted independence to India; for Nelson
Mandela: as a result of activities after the Sharpeville Massacre, Mandela was arrested; the time he spent in
prison was an inspiration to others to continue the work to end apartheid; election of 1994 led to Mandela
becoming the first black president of South Africa
Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that are
beyond a restatement of the theme
Note: At score levels 5 and 4, all three aspects for each of the two identified leaders should be discussed.
Holistic Scoring Reminder: This note applies only to the evaluation of bullet 1. A response meeting this criterion does not,
by itself, make it a level 4 or a level 5 response.
Score of 3:
Develops all aspects of the task with little depth or develops at least four aspects of the task in some depth
Is more descriptive than analytical (applies, analyzes, and/or evaluates information)
Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details; may include some minor inaccuracies
Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that may be a
restatement of the theme
Note: When evaluating the criterion in bullet 1 at score level 3, at least four components should be addressed
(two situations, two actions, and/or two impacts or some combination of these aspects). A response
meeting this criterion does not, by itself, make it a level 3 response.
Exception: When all three aspects for one leader have been thoroughly developed evenly and in depth
and the response meets most of the other Level 5 criteria for that leader, the response may
be a Level 3 paper. (See Anchor Paper 3A.)
Score of 2:
Minimally develops all aspects of the task or develops at least three aspects of the task in some depth
Is primarily descriptive; may include faulty, weak, or isolated application or analysis
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details; may include some inaccuracies
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; may lack focus; may contain digressions; may not clearly
identify which aspect of the task is being addressed; may lack an introduction and/or a conclusion
Score of 1:
Minimally develops some aspects of the task
Is descriptive; may lack understanding, application, or analysis
Includes few relevant facts, examples, or details; may include inaccuracies
May demonstrate a weakness in organization; may lack focus; may contain digressions; may not clearly
identify which aspect of the task is being addressed; may lack an introduction and/or a conclusion
Score of 0:
Fails to develop the task or may only refer to the theme in a general way; OR includes no relevant facts,
examples, or details; OR includes only the theme, task, or suggestions as copied from the test booklet; OR is
illegible; OR is a blank paper
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 5 – A
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 5 – A
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 5 – A
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 5 – A
Anchor Level 5-A
The response:
Thoroughly develops all aspects of the task evenly and in depth by describing the situations
Adolf Hitler and Mohandas Gandhi attempted to change, describing the action these leaders
took to change the situations, and discussing the impact of those actions on the society in which
they lived
Is more analytical than descriptive (Hitler: war sapped all of their energy and resources; held
out a vision of a rebuilt Germany strong enough to conquer Europe; by filling the German
peoples’ hearts and minds with this concept, they were able to mobilize and accomplish huge
feats; Gandhi: he was unwilling to use force because he knew that it was useless to use force
against the better equipped British army; the protest brought shame to the British Empire and
demonstrated the dedication of the Indian freedom fighters; people worldwide started putting
pressure on Britain to give India its independence)
Richly supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details (Hitler: World War I;
Versailles Treaty; reparations; guilt clause; fiery speeches and fierce propaganda; racial
superiority; Aryan race; German guilt; World War II; wholesale slaughter of Jews, Slavs, and
other “genetically undesirable” individuals; Gandhi: British Empire; cotton; tea; independence
struggle; civil disobedience; nonviolence; march on the salt works; world public opinion against
the British; treatment of untouchables and conflict between Hindus and Muslims after
independence; conflict between India and Pakistan)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion
that are beyond a restatement of the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 5. The strong analysis throughout the
response is sophisticated. An insightful use of facts about nationalism in Germany and India
illustrates an understanding of how the actions of leaders can be very different yet gain the support
of the people. The response demonstrates that a leader’s actions can influence a country in both
positive and negative ways, clearly showing an understanding of the motives and tactics used by
each of the leaders.
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 5 – B
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 5 – B
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 5 – B
Anchor Paper —Score Level 5-B
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task evenly and in depth, by describing the situations Mohandas
Gandhi and Otto von Bismarck attempted to change, describing the action these leaders took to
change the situations, and discussing the impact of those actions on the society in which they
Is more analytical than descriptive (Gandhi: brought worldwide attention to Britain’s
imperialism in India; led India toward a path of freedom and self-determination; did not employ
violence or militarism; civil disobedience changed the people in India; worldwide attention
brought by the photographs of British soldiers beating and arresting Indians; tensions between
the Hindus and Muslims continue despite Gandhi’s efforts; Gandhi influenced Martin Luther
King, Jr.’s, methods used in the civil rights movement; Bismarck: the Congress of Vienna of
1815 failed to restore the Holy Roman Empire which Napoleon had eliminated; Austria and
Germany competed for control of the German Confederation of States; British saw the Berlin
Conference as competition for power in Europe and Africa; Bismarck’s use of “blood and iron”
was part of Hitler’s rationale to expand German borders)
Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details (Gandhi: British rule; self-
determination; civil disobedience; boycotting western goods; salt works; nationalist feelings;
Nehru; independence; Bismarck: unite Germany; war with Austria; war and industrialization;
Austro-Danish Wars, Austro-Prussian, and Franco-Prussian; imperialism; rich natural resources;
Berlin Conference)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion
that are beyond a restatement of the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 5. In both cases, the response
effectively explains the situation that caused the leaders to act. The response discusses the cause-
and-effect relationship between events in Europe that helped bring about the rise of Bismarck and
German nationalism and the impact on the actions of other individuals. The use of analysis and
historical facts demonstrate a good understanding of the impacts of the two leaders.
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 4 – A
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 4 – A
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 4 – A
Anchor Level 4-A
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task but does so somewhat unevenly by describing the situation,
action, and impact of Fidel Castro on the society in which he lived more thoroughly than
describing the same aspects for Mohandas Gandhi
Is both descriptive and analytical (Gandhi: India, since the British left, has been constantly
fighting within its borders; Gandhi worked hard to avoid violence; fighting between Muslim
Pakistan and Hindu India over the disputed territory of Kashmir has led to tensions where they
both have tested and threatened to use atomic bombs; nuclear war could result; Castro: he
wasn’t a Red until he got support from the USSR after the United States refused him; Cuba
became a Communist state 90 miles away from the United States; the USSR took advantage of
this and put missiles on Cuba to aim for the United States
Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details (Gandhi: lawyer; injustices; equal
citizens of the British Empire; nonviolence; marches; speeches; strikes; civil disobedience; by
1947, India and Pakistan were independent; Sikhs; atomic bombs; nuclear war; Castro: civil
war; incumbent president, Batista; Batista had put the country into poverty; aristocrats owned
most of the land; organized crime; Havana; socialism; health care; literacy; Cuban missile crisis;
trade embargo)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion
that are beyond a restatement of the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 4. The response is particularly strong in
discussing long-term and unanticipated consequences of the actions of individuals; however, it is
not richly supported with historical details. The colorful description of the situation in Cuba reflects
an understanding of the sequence of events and the factors contributing to Castro’s rise to power.
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 4 – A
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 4 – B
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 4 – B
Anchor Level 4-B
The response:
Thoroughly develops all aspects of the task evenly and in depth by describing the situation,
action, and impact of Martin Luther on the society in which he lived more thoroughly than
describing the same aspects for Napoleon
Is more analytical than descriptive (Luther: the advent of the printing press allowed Luther’s
ideas to spread quickly so that people were beginning to agree with Luther’s ideas; the Catholic
Church was forced to respond after they realized that their prestige and membership were
declining; Napoleon: Bonaparte took over after the chaos of the French Revolution when people
were hungry for a strong, consistent leader; while the Code did make the laws more consistent,
it also limited some freedoms; both leaders helped the lives of the people in their societies)
Richly supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details (Luther: Reformation;
indulgences; 95 Theses; Wittenberg Church; printing press; Papal Bull; recant; Pope Leo;
excommunication; faith alone; good works and faith; Bible and church tradition; Protestant
reformers; Jesuits; Napoleon: French Revolution; Code Napoleon; limitation of freedoms of
speech and press)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion
that are somewhat beyond a restatement of the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 4. Although the analysis lacks depth,
the simply stated but numerous historical facts, used throughout the response, support the
descriptive and analytic statements.
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 4 – C
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 4 – C
Anchor Level 4-C
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task but does so somewhat unevenly by describing the situation,
action, and impact of Mohandas Gandhi on the society in which he lived more thoroughly than
describing the same aspects for Martin Luther
Is both descriptive and analytical (Gandhi: British used many acts of violence on the peaceful
citizens of India; world was watching, and if Britain were to make a deadly action, Britain
would be labeled as tortuous, inhumane, and cruel; unite India to remove foreign influence;
believed individuals could have an impact on political policies; impact of Gandhi on Martin
Luther King, Jr., and Mandela; Luther: actions against the Church; helped to break the religious
unity within Europe and led kings and queens to gain power; Europe united by the Roman
Catholicism; priests were sometimes greedy; Luther wanted to show the corruption within the
Church; people started inquiring and judging their faith)
Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details (Gandhi: nonviolence; passive
resistance; taxes on salt; no respect for Indians’ faith and religion; acts of violence on peaceful
citizens of India; Amritsar Massacre; peaceful noncooperation; Muslims; Hindus; Salt March;
gained freedom; Hindu extremist; Gandhi assassinated in 1948; Luther: Protestant Reformation;
Middle Ages; indulgences; corruption of Church; 95 Theses)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion
that are beyond a restatement of the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 4. The response contains a good
descriptive account of the actions of Gandhi and demonstrates an understanding of the relationship
between the British occupation of India and Gandhi’s movement. Although the response lacks an
explanation of some historical details, the response does indicate an understanding of Luther’s role
in the Protestant Reformation.
Note: The IEP of this student includes typing of essay papers without spell-check.
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 3 – A
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 3 – A
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 3 – A
Anchor Paper 3-A
The response:
Thoroughly develops all of the task in depth for one leader by describing the situation V. I.
Lenin attempted to change, describing the action he took to change the situation, and discussing
the impact of the action on the society in which he lived
Is more analytical than descriptive (Lenin: brother’s execution branded him and his family a
threat to the state and instilled in young Vladimir a hatred for the czarist government; during
World War I, Germany saw a chance to weaken Russia and transported Lenin back to Russia;
people were suffering from poverty, food, and fuel shortages and the general misery of disasters
in war; Lenin, with support of the war-weary Russian people, won a position in government; he
rebuilt the country, but he brought a dictatorship to the people
Richly supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details (Lenin: Karl Marx; Siberian
exile; World War I; Leon Trotsky; Bolsheviks; socialists; “Land, Peace, Bread”; Red Army;
White Army; Communists; ended private ownership; redistributed land to peasants; Treaty of
Brest-Litovsk; totalitarian dictatorship
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction that is beyond a
restatement of the theme and lacks a conclusion
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 3. The response shows a good
understanding of Lenin’s role in the transformation of communist Russia to a dictatorship and the
reasons for his hatred of the czarist government. Although the response shows an intent to discuss
Hitler, not enough information is presented to rate this portion. However, the historical details and
analytical statements included in the discussion of Lenin meet the other criteria for a Level 5 paper;
therefore, the rating for this paper is 3.
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 3 – B
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 3 – B
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 3 – B
Anchor Level 3-B
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task with little depth by stating the actions Napoleon Bonaparte and
Mohandas Gandhi took to change situations and stating the impacts of these actions
Is more descriptive than analytical (Napoleon: saw that under the French monarchy that the first
estate and second estate, which consisted of nobles and churchmen, had most of the rights,
much of the land and money, but did not pay much in taxes; the third estate, on the other hand,
which consisted of peasants, farmers, workmen, and the bourgeoisie had few to no rights, had to
pay most of the taxes and owned little of the land; the French Revolution did little to change
this; Gandhi: Britain put heavy taxes on things people needed the most; British treated the
Indians like second-class citizens; Gandhi did not feel that Indians needed the British to control
their lives; Gandhi used his influence to set up boycotts and demonstrations; he eventually made
Britain relinquish her hold on India)
Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details (Napoleon: French army; Directory; French
Revolution; state control of church lands; set up the merit system; took away nobility rights;
distributed lands; built infrastructure; education system; nationalism; Gandhi: Britain; South
Africa; colonies; peace between Muslims and Hindus); includes a minor inaccuracy (Napoleon
set up a voting system so everyone could have a say in the government)
Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that
go beyond a restatement of the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 3. The response contains good general
statements, but they lack historical details to support them. Some evidence of analysis is shown,
especially in the statements about impacts for both leaders.
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 3 – C
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 3 – C
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 3 – C
Anchor Level 3-C
The response:
Develops most aspects of the task in some depth by identifying the situations addressed by
Gandhi and Nelson Mandela, minimally describing the action that these leaders took to change
the situations and addressing the impact of both leaders’ actions on their society
Is more descriptive than analytical (Gandhi: Gandhi told people to boycott British goods, so the
British could not gain any money from India; urged people to give up British ways and return to
Indian ways; India gained independence but split into two countries; Gandhi showed a new way
of resistance; Mandela: South Africans were able to vote for the first time)
Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details (Gandhi: stopped wearing British styles of
clothes; boycott; protest; Salt March; resistance; nonviolence; Mandela: apartheid; released
from jail; elected president)
Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that
go beyond a restatement of the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 3. Although the discussion of Mandela
is limited and repetitive, several good statements are made about his impact. The discussion of
Gandhi lacks specific historical facts and details related to the task, but the response does show an
understanding of Gandhi’s role and impact on India.
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 2 – A
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 2 – A
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 2 – A
Anchor Level 2-A
The response:
Minimally develops all aspects of the task by describing the situations addressed by Simón
Bolívar and Mohandas Gandhi, describing one action these leaders took to change the situation,
and mentioning the impact of those actions on each society
Is primarily descriptive; includes weak application and lacks analysis
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (Bolívar: South America; independence from
Spain; the liberator; Ecuador; Colombia; Venezuela; Gran Colombia; Latin American
Revolution; Gandhi: imperialist nations; India; independence from Great Britain;
noncooperation; Hindu extremist; democratic nation)
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that go
slightly beyond a restatement of the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 2. The response does not adequately
convey understanding of the difference between apartheid in South Africa and the treatment of
Indians in India. In addition, the response fails to evaluate the impact of gaining independence for
either nation, except “they look forward to a better society” or “would become a democratic
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 2 – B
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 2 – B
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 2 – B
Anchor Level 2-B
The response:
Minimally develops all aspects of the task by mentioning the situations addressed by Adolf
Hitler and Mohandas Gandhi, mentioning one action these leaders took to change the situation,
and mentioning the impact of those actions on each society
Is primarily descriptive; includes weak and isolated application and analysis (Gandhi: after the
reporters had published the story of the strike, the whole world looked down on the British and
so they finally removed the colonies)
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (Hitler: reparations to the British and French;
fascist movement; gave people work and jobs; Gandhi: British colony; nonviolence); includes a
minor inaccuracy (Gandhi: reference to the Salt March describes the march on the salt works
and the arrests on the beaches after the march)
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that are
beyond a restatement of the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 2. The discussion lacks depth in that the
response mentions economic prosperity gained under Hitler, but fails to discuss the implications of
the military build up or the outcome of it. The response describes Gandhi’s independence
movement but does not adequately address the outcome. The essay includes several simplistic
statements and overgeneralizations.
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 2 – C
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 2 – C
Anchor Level 2-C
The response:
Minimally develops some aspects of the task by discussing actions Adolf Hitler and Peter the
Great took to change the society in which they lived, mentioning the situation addressed by
Peter the Great, and mentioning the impact of Hitler’s actions on the Jews in Germany
Is primarily descriptive; includes weak and isolated application and analysis (Peter the Great:
warm-water port for Russia where he could trade with the West and learn about all the
technologies for improving Russia)
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (Hitler: 1930s Germany; Jewish population;
expand Germany; Aryan; concentration camps; Nazi death squads; Peter the Great: modernize
Demonstrates a general plan of organization, includes an introduction and a conclusion that are
a restatement of the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 2. Although the response is descriptive
and includes a few attempts at analysis, few historical facts included. The discussion of the
modernization of Russia by Peter the Great is particularly weak in that it merely states that he was
interested in modernizing but presents no supporting details.
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 1 – A
Anchor Level 1-A
The response:
Minimally develops some aspects of the task by mentioning that Gandhi achieved his goal of
independence from Britain by using nonviolent actions and mentioning that Aung San Suu Kyi
was fighting against repression in Myanmar
Is descriptive; lacks application and analysis
Includes few relevant facts, examples, or details (Gandhi: fasts made him sick and weak;
independence from Britain; Aung San Suu Kyi: nonviolent path)
Demonstrates a general plan of organization, includes an introduction and a conclusion that
restate the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 1. The response includes limited
information and demonstrates little understanding of the task. No explanation is given as to why
independence was sought in India or how its acquisition affected India. The treatment of Aung San
Suu Kyi is superficial.
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 1 – B
Anchor Level 1-B
The response:
Minimally develops some aspects of the task by mentioning situations involving Fidel Castro
and Simón Bolívar, mentioning actions taken to change the situations, and mentioning an impact
of those actions
Is descriptive; lacks understanding, application, and analysis
Includes few relevant facts, examples, or details (Castro: change Cuba’s government;
Communist; dictator; Bolívar: revolutionary; Spain; started a revolution); includes several
inaccuracies and overstatements (Castro: United States has been trying to assassinate Castro for
many years; unstable government; Bolívar: was a slave; hated the slave driver)
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; includes an introduction that restates the theme
and a brief conclusion
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 1. Although the response accurately
links Castro to Cuba and Bolívar to a revolution, much of the information is overstated and/or
inaccurate. The essay shows a very limited understanding of the task.
Anchor Paper – Thematic Essay—Level 1 – B
Thematic Essay—Practice Paper – A
Thematic Essay—Practice Paper – A
Thematic Essay—Practice Paper – B
Thematic Essay—Practice Paper – B
Thematic Essay—Practice Paper – B
Thematic Essay—Practice Paper – C
Thematic Essay—Practice Paper – C
Thematic Essay—Practice Paper – D
Thematic Essay—Practice Paper – D
Thematic Essay—Practice Paper – D
Practice Paper A—Score Level 3
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task with little depth, by stating the situations Mohandas Gandhi and
Mikhail Gorbachev attempted to change, stating the action these leaders took to change the
situations, and stating the impact of those actions on the society in which they lived
Is both descriptive and analytical (Gandhi: stirred people up to get British rule out of India;
Britain embarrassed by worldwide attention on the Salt March Gorbachev: rule impacted Russia
greatly in that it sparked the fall of communism)
Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details (Gandhi: salt monopoly;
nonviolence; passive resistance; peaceful protests; boycotts; jailing of Indians; Gorbachev: Cold
War; glasnost; perestroika; fall of communism) includes some minor inaccuracies (Gandhi
enforced nonviolence and passive resistance; Britain freed India because of the Salt March;
Russia instead of Soviet Union; Lech Walesa and Solidarity happened after the fall of
Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that
are beyond a restatement of the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 3. Despite errors in chronology, the
explanation of glasnost and perestroika strengthen a weak narrative about Gorbachev’s impact.
Overgeneralizations and irrelevant information weaken the overall discussion and show a limited
understanding of some parts of the task.
Practice Paper B—Score Level 3
The response:
Develops most aspects of the task in some depth by describing the situations addressed by Hitler
and Simón Bolívar, describing the action that these leaders took to change the situations, and
listing the impact of Hitler’s actions on Germany
Is more descriptive than analytical (Hitler: seemed to be good at first, trying to help the nation
of Germany, but soon he started World War II; responsible for many deaths; still left Germany
in ruins after World War II; Bolívar: although he did not free all areas of Latin America, he
inspired other nations which eventually led to the independence of all Latin American nations)
Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details (Hitler: Germany; World War I; Treaty of
Versailles; reparations; German territories; World War II; split up between East Germany and
West Germany; Cold War; Bolívar: Spanish; colonies in Latin America; Latin American
Revolution; Enlightenment thinkers; American and French revolutions); includes a minor
inaccuracy (as a result of Bolívar, a new social pyramid came about in Latin America)
Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that
restate the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 3. The discussion is cursory and not
supported with sufficient detail. Many overgeneralizations are made about Bolívar. However, the
analytical statements and specific historical details about Hitler show a good understanding of the
role and impact he played in history.
Practice Paper C—Score Level 2
The response:
Minimally develops some aspects of the task by mentioning the situations addressed by
Mohandas Gandhi and Sun Yat-sen, mentioning one action these leaders took to change the
situation, but not addressing the impact of those actions on India and China
Is primarily descriptive; includes weak application and analysis (Gandhi: British laws didn’t go
along with Indian religions; Sun Yat-sen: hoped to replace the dynasty with a democratic
government; the democracy was never created; ending the dynasty was a big change for China)
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (Gandhi: Great Britain’s jewel in the crown;
imperializing; natural resources; nonviolent protests; 1947 India got independence; Sun Yat-sen:
overthrew Manchu dynasty)
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that
are beyond a restatement of the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 2. The discussion of Gandhi is more
detailed than the treatment of Sun Yat-sen. However, the lack of specific historical facts and
analysis weaken the response. The overgeneralizations and repetition of information demonstrate a
limited understanding of the task.
Practice Paper D—Score Level 4
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task evenly but not in depth by describing the situations Otto von
Bismarck and Mohandas Gandhi attempted to change, describing the action these leaders took
to change the situations, and discussing the impact of those actions on the society in which they
Is both descriptive and analytical (Bismarck: he went to war with Austria and France to gain
control of territories with Germans in them; Germany’s uniting led to industrialization, which
increased Germany’s economic power and influence; Germany looked for natural resources in
Africa which led to imperialism; more goods were produced which helped Germany’s economy
and put Germany in the world market; Gandhi: India was colonized for its natural resources and
its market opportunities for goods to be sold; India wanted independence when other colonies
received independence after World War II; Gandhi’s success with the cloth boycott led Indians
to follow him on the Salt March; Indians united to get independence, but religious differences
led to division into two countries)
Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details (Bismarck: Prussia; “blood and
iron”; Germany was able to compete with Britain and France; Gandhi: colony of Great Britain;
Age of Imperialism; independence; civil disobedience; boycotting British goods; nonviolent
non-cooperation; Salt March to protest British taxes on salt)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion
that are beyond a restatement of the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 4. Although the discussion is somewhat
repetitive and lacks supporting details, the response shows an understanding of the impact of the
leaders’ actions. The inclusion of some analytical statements strengthens the response.
Global History and Geography
Part A Specific Rubric
Document-Based Question—August 2005
Medieval Scriptorium
Source: www.hrc.utexas.edu/exhibitions/permanent/
Documents 1a and 1b
1 According to these documents, how were books made before the development of the
Gutenberg press?
Score of 1:
States the way in which books were made before the development of the Gutenberg press
Examples: monks copied them by hand; they were written on scrolls; by hand; using the codex
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: it took several years; only small books were produced; big books had to be done on
the floor; the Bible took several years; in a scriptorium
Vague response that does not answer the question
Examples: Gutenberg Bible; written in the Middle Ages
No response
The Book Before Gutenberg
The earliest books were written on scrolls. From the Second Century A.D. to the present time,
however, most books have been produced in the familiar codex format—in other words, bound
at one edge. During the Middle Ages, manuscript books were produced by monks who worked
with pen and ink in a copying room known as a scriptorium. Even a small book could take
months to complete, and a book the size of the Bible could take several years. . . .
Source: www.hrc.utexas.edu/exhibitions/permanent/gutenberg/2a.html
Document 1a
Document 1b
Document 2
Source: Stephen Krensky, Breaking Into Print, Before and After the Invention of the Printing Press,
Little, Brown and Company, 1996 (adapted)
The Chinese
start printing with
The Koreans begin
experimenting with
movable type.
42-line Bible
is finished.
More than 1,000
printers are active
in Europe.
The monotype machine is patented. It
combines a typewriter-like keyboard
with a type casting unit to create
individual letters at the stroke of a
Late 1800s
More efficient
printing presses
are developed,
including self-inking
capabilities and
some motorization.
Computerized typesetting is
created at video screens,
storing text and illustrations
on a computer disk.
2 Based on this document, state two advances in printing technology that took place between
500 and 2000.
Score of 2 or 1:
Award 1 credit (up to a maximum of 2 credits) for each advance in printing technology that took
place between 500 and 2000
Examples: Chinese started printing with woodblocks; Koreans began experimenting with
movable type; more efficient printing presses were developed; self-inking
capabilities and motorization develop; the monotype machine is patented;
computerized typesetting is created on video screens
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: the Bible is finished; the Chinese make the first computer disks; Gutenberg invented
movable type; putting things on paper not on woodblocks
Vague response that does not answer the question
Examples: Gutenberg; Koreans experimented
No response
Document 3
3 Based on this document, state two effects of Gutenberg’s invention.
Score of 2 or 1:
Award 1 credit (up to a maximum of 2 credits) for each effect of Gutenberg’s invention as stated in
this document
Examples: an estimated half million printed books were in circulation by 1500; the Renaissance
was accelerated; without it the Protestant movement might have been stillborn;
industrial and/or political revolutions of succeeding centuries might not have
happened; mass production of books
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: a creditor took over Gutenberg’s business; Gutenberg never put his own name in
print; Gutenberg was bankrupt; Gutenberg had a press
Vague response that does not answer the question
Examples: Columbus reported from the New World; books circulated
No response
. . . Gutenberg’s methods spread with stunning rapidity. By 1500 an estimated half million
printed books were in circulation: religious works, Greek and Roman classics, scientific texts,
Columbus’s report from the New World. An acceleration of the Renaissance was only the first
by-product of the Gutenberg press. Without it, the Protestant movement might have been
stillborn [failed], as well as the subsequent political and industrial revolutions. Gutenberg,
however, got none of the glory. His brainchild [idea] bankrupted him; the year his Bible was
published, a creditor took over his business. Little more is known of the inventor — in part
because he never put his own name into print. . . .
Source: Robert Friedman, ed., The Life Millennium:
The 100 Most Important Events & People of The Past 1,000 Years,
Time, 1998
Document 4
Woman Spinning
Source: The Costume of Yorkshire, Richard Jackson, Publisher
4 According to this document, what technology was used in cloth production in the early
Score of 1:
Identifies the technology used in cloth production in the early 1700s
Examples: spinning wheels; hand-powered machines
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: cloth was produced at home; women produced thread
Vague response that does not answer the question
Examples: in the home; with a fireplace; bunches of wool
No response
Documents 5a and 5b
Improved steam
(James Watt)
Improved version of steam
engine that used coal rather
than water power. First used
to pump water from mines
and to forge iron. By the late
1780s, powered machines
in cotton mills.
Source: Ellis and Esler, World History: Connections to Today,
Prentice Hall, 1999 (adapted)
Drawn by T. Allom
Engraved by J. Tingle
Power Loom Weaving
Source: Edward Baines, History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain,
Fisher, Fisher, and Jackson, 1835 (adapted)
5 According to these documents, how did the steam engine promote the growth of the factory
Score of 1:
States the way that the steam engine promoted the growth of the factory system
Examples: it powered the machines in the mills; it provided power; steam-powered machines
were too big for the home; steam-powered machines could do the work faster and/or
more efficiently; steam engines could power multiple machines at one time; using
coal for the engines meant factories did not have to be located near streams
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: James Watt improved the steam engine; water was pumped from mines; factories
needed to be located near streams
Vague response that does not answer the question
Examples: it was improved; James Watt; power loom weaving; machines were all in one place
No response
Document 6
Selected Factors of Industrial Production in Great Britain
1820 1825 1830 1835 1840 1845 1850 1855 1860
1850 1855 1860 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900
1855 1860 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900
Source: Brian Mitchell, Abstract of British Historical Statistics, Cambridge University Press, 1962 (adapted)
Raw Cotton Consumption
(in millions of pounds)
Output of Coal
(in millions of tons)
Miles of Railroad
6 What do these graphs imply about the effect of steam-powered machinery on industrial
production in Great Britain?
Score of 1:
States an effect of steam-powered machinery on industrial production in Great Britain that can be
implied from the graphs
Examples: encouraged the growth of more railroads; led to an increase in coal production;
increased textile production; increased demand for more cotton; industrial
production increased
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: there were miles of railroad; cotton was consumed; cotton and coal were similar;
Great Britain had coal; increased cotton production in Great Britain
Vague response that does not answer the question
Examples: coal and railroads; raw cotton was grown
No response
Document 7
This is an excerpt from a tape-recorded conversation of Kathleen Brockington in August 1994.
Kathleen’s Story
Bombed out in the London Blitz, 1940
. . . When the bomb dropped I wasn’t even under the table! I heard the plane and recognised
it was a Jerry (that’s what we called them) [Germans] because I’d heard so many. There was a
tremendous BANG! and I ducked. All the windows came in and the ceiling and a couple of walls
came in and there was incredible smoke everywhere. I was shaking like a leaf but I wasn’t hurt.
I tried to get out but the door was stuck and I had to climb through where one of the windows
had been. I could see there were lots of houses affected, glass everywhere in the street so I knew
it was a big’un.
I ran to the Air Raid Post but the Warden said “look missus, we’re gonna be busy digging
bodies out, if you’ve got a roof you’re better off where you are. There’s lots worse off than you”.
Funnily enough he was wrong; about 50 houses were badly damaged and a couple of them just
turned into heaps of rubble, but nobody was actually killed. . . .
Source: http://timewitnesses.org/english/blitz.html (adapted)
7 Based on this document, state one effect of the bombing of London by German planes.
Score of 1:
States an effect of the bombing of London by German planes as stated in this document
Examples: houses were destroyed; smoke was everywhere; glass was everywhere in the streets;
air raid posts were established; houses were badly damaged; nobody was actually
killed in some parts of London; made people afraid; parts of London were destroyed
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: they called them Jerrys; bombs dropped; there were many planes; all of London was
Vague response that does not answer the question
Examples: bombs; lots of houses; shook like a leaf
No response
Document 8
. . . In both cities the blast totally destroyed everything within a radius of 1 mile from the center
of explosion, except for certain reinforced concrete frames as noted above. The atomic explosion
almost completely destroyed Hiroshima’s identity as a city. Over a fourth of the population was
killed in one stroke and an additional fourth seriously injured, so that even if there had been no
damage to structures and installations the normal city life would still have been completely
shattered. Nearly everything was heavily damaged up to a radius of 3 miles from the blast, and
beyond this distance damage, although comparatively light, extended for several more miles.
Glass was broken up to 12 miles.
In Nagasaki, a smaller area of the city was actually destroyed than in Hiroshima, because the
hills which enclosed the target area restricted the spread of the great blast; but careful
examination of the effects of the explosion gave evidence of even greater blast effects than in
Hiroshima. Total destruction spread over an area of about 3 square miles. Over a third of the
50,000 buildings in the target area of Nagasaki were destroyed or seriously damaged. The
complete destruction of the huge steel works and the torpedo plant was especially impressive.
The steel frames of all buildings within a mile of the explosion were pushed away, as by a giant
hand, from the point of detonation. The badly burned area extended for 3 miles in length. The
hillsides up to a radius of 8,000 feet were scorched, giving them an autumnal appearance. . . .
Source: “The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” Manhattan Engineer District, United States Army,
June 29, 1946
Document 8
8 Based on this document, state two effects of the atomic bombings on Hiroshima and
Score of 2 or 1:
Award 1 credit (up to a maximum of 2 credits) for each effect of the atomic bombings on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Examples: everything was destroyed within a radius of one mile in Hiroshima; many buildings
were destroyed and/or seriously damaged; many people were killed; over a fourth of
the population was killed in Hiroshima; one-fourth of the people were seriously
injured; badly burned area extended for three miles in Nagasaki; torpedo plant in
Nagasaki was completely destroyed
Note: Both effects stated could refer to Hiroshima only or to Nagasaki only, or one effect could be
stated for each of these cities.
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: destruction was impressive; point of detonation
Vague response that does not answer the question
Examples: the center of the explosion; explosion; autumnal appearance
No response
Documents 9a and 9b
Nuclear Countries – November 2002
Declared Nuclear
Estimates of
Nuclear Weapons
North Korea*
United States
United Kingdom
Source: Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), 2002
(adapted); *Bulletin of Atomic Scientist, 2003
9 Based on these charts, state two ways countries have used nuclear technology.
Score of 2 or 1:
Award 1 credit (up to a maximum of 2 credits) for each way countries have used nuclear
Examples: countries have stockpiled nuclear weapons; countries have nuclear power reactors in
operation; countries are building nuclear power reactors; for defense
Score of 0:
Incorrect response
Examples: all countries with nuclear reactors have nuclear weapons; most countries in the
world have nuclear weapons; International Atomic Energy Agency
Vague response that does not answer the question
Examples: nuclear states have been declared; stockpiled; they’ve built nuclear things
No response
Korea, Republic of
South Africa
Russian Federation
United Kingdom
Czech Republic
Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of
United States
Countries with Nuclear Power Reactors in Operation
or Under Construction – December 2002
Source: “Nuclear Technology Review,” International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2003 (adapted)
Global History and Government
Content-Specific Rubric
Document-Based Question—August 2005
Historical Context: Throughout history, changes in technology have had a great influence on society.
Development of the printing press, steam-powered machinery, and the atomic bomb had
a major impact on specific societies and the world.
Task: Identify two of the technological changes mentioned in the historical context and for each
• Explain how the new technology changed the existing technology
• Discuss the impact of this new technology on a specific society or the world
Scoring Notes:
1. The discussion of the technology must explain how the technology changed from the existing
technology of the time. A simple description of the technology is not adequate.
2. The same explanation may be used to explain how both technologies represented a change from the
existing technology, e.g., both the printing press and steam-powered machinery changed the
technology from products produced by hand to products produced by machine.
3. Similar information may be used to discuss how the new technology made an impact on a specific
society or the world, e.g., both the printing press and steam-powered machinery changed from
working at home to working in a factory and to the development of the factory system or both these
technologies led to increased production and lowered production costs.
4. The discussion of the impact of both new technologies may be on on the world or on a specific
society, including the United States, or one could be on a specific society and the other could be on
the world. The identification of a specific society or the world might be expressly stated, or it might
be implied in the discussion.
5. For the purposes of meeting the criteria of using at least four documents in the response, documents
5a, 5b, 9a, and 9b may be counted as separate documents if the response uses specific separate facts
from these documents.
Score of 5:
Thoroughly develops all aspects of the task evenly and in depth by explaining how two new technologies
changed existing technology and discussing the impact of these new technologies on a specific society or
the world
Is more analytical than descriptive (analyzes, evaluates, and/or creates information), e.g., printing press:
connects the development of the printing press to the spread of Martin Luther’s ideas and the success of the
Protestant Reformation; steam-powered machinery: establishes parallels between the impact of the agrarian
revolution and the enclosure movement with the development of the factory system
Incorporates relevant information from at least four documents (see Key Ideas Chart)
Incorporates substantial relevant outside information (see Outside Information Chart)
Richly supports the theme with many relevant facts, examples, and details, e.g., printing press: Gutenberg;
vernacular; literacy; moveable type; steam-powered machinery: domestic system; putting-out system;
urbanization; enclosure acts; factory system; assembly line; standardization of parts; proletariat;
bourgeoisie; Sadler Report; Mines Act
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that are
beyond a restatement of the theme
Score of 4:
Develops all aspects of the task by explaining how two new technologies changed existing technology and
discussing the impact of these new technologies on a specific society or the world but may do so somewhat
unevenly by completing all aspects of the task for one technological change more thoroughly than for the
other technological change or by completing one aspect of the task more thoroughly for both technological
Is both descriptive and analytical (applies, analyzes, evaluates, and/or creates information), e.g., printing
press: discusses how the printing press spread literacy; steam-powered machinery: discusses the abundance
of coal and iron and its effect on the development of the factory system
Incorporates relevant information from at least four documents
Incorporates relevant outside information
Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that are
beyond a restatement of the theme
Score of 3:
Develops all aspects of the task with little depth or develops at least three aspects of the task in some depth
Is more descriptive than analytical (applies, may analyze, and/or evaluate information)
Incorporates some relevant information from some of the documents
Incorporates limited relevant outside information
Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details; may include some minor inaccuracies
Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that may be a
restatement of the theme
Examples of developing at least three aspects in some depth at Level 3
Holistic Scoring Reminder: These examples apply only to the evaluation of bullet 1.
A response meeting the criteria below does not, by itself, make it a Level 3 response.
1. Explains how two new technologies changed existing technology; discusses the impact of one
new technology on a specific society or the world
2. Explains how one new technology changed existing technology; discusses the impact of two new
technologies on specific societies or on the world
Exception: If both aspects of the task for one technological change are thoroughly developed and if
the response meets most of the other Level 5 criteria, the overall response may be a
Level 3 paper.
Score of 2:
Minimally develops all aspects of the task or develops at least two aspects of the task in some depth
Is primarily descriptive; may include faulty, weak, or isolated application or analysis
Incorporates limited relevant information from the documents or consists primarily of relevant information
copied from the documents
Presents little or no relevant outside information
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details; may include some inaccuracies
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; may lack focus; may contain digressions; may not clearly
identify which aspect of the task is being addressed; may lack an introduction and/or a conclusion
Examples of developing at least two aspects in some depth at Level 2
Holistic Scoring Reminder: These examples apply only to the evaluation of bullet 1.
A response meeting the criteria below does not, by itself, make it a Level 2 response.
1. Explains how one new technology changed existing technology; discusses the impact of that new
technology on a specific society or the world or discusses the impact of a second new technology
2. Explains how two new technologies each changed existing technology
3. Discusses the impact of two new technologies on a specific society or the world
Score of 1:
Minimally develops some aspects of the task
Is descriptive; may lack understanding, application, or analysis
Makes vague, unclear references to the documents or consists primarily of relevant and irrelevant
information copied from the documents
Presents no relevant outside information
Includes few relevant facts, examples, or details; may include inaccuracies
May demonstrate a weakness in organization; may lack focus; may contain digressions; may not clearly
identify which aspect of the task is being addressed; may lack an introduction and/or a conclusion
Score of 0:
Fails to develop the task or may only refer to the theme in a general way; OR includes no relevant facts,
examples, or details; OR includes only the historical context and/or task as copied from the test booklet; OR
includes only entire documents copied from the test booklet; OR is illegible; OR is a blank paper
Key Ideas from the Documents
How New Technology Changed
Existing Technology
Impact of New Technology on a
Specific Society or the World
Books no longer had to be written on
Monks no longer worked with pen
and ink in copying rooms
Less time was involved in production
Number of printers in Europe
Printing press and motorization of
presses replaced hand work
Text and illustrations can be stored on
computer disks
Increase in number of books in
Increased availability of printed books
on every subject
Publication of Columbus’ report from
the New World
Acceleration of the Renaissance
Influence on Protestant movements
Relation to later industrial and
political revolutions
Steam-powered machines replaced
machines operated by hand
Production of more goods with power
5a Machines located in mills
New engines used coal rather than
water power
Steam engines used to pump water
from mines and to forge iron
5a Water power no longer necessary for
5b Change from working at home to
working in factory
Construction of large factories
Jobs in factories for women
Men working as supervisors in
Increase in industrial production in
Great Britain
Increase in coal production
Increase in miles of railroad
Increase in raw cotton consumption
Destructive capacity of atomic bombs
greater than that of early bombs
Loss of lives from atomic bombs
greater than that of early bombs
Damage and destruction to Hiroshima
and Nagasaki
Physical injury
Property and environmental damage
9a Declared nuclear states
Amount of nuclear weapons
9b Countries with nuclear power reactors
in operation and under construction
Formation of International Atomic
Energy Agency
Accessibility of nuclear power
Publications on nuclear technology
Relevant Outside Information
(This list is not all-inclusive.)
How New Technology Changed
Existing Technology
Impact of New Technology on a Specific Society
or the World
Use of vernacular spread
Use of Latin decreased
Vellum no longer scraped off and reused
Printing of different kinds of books
Decrease in cost of production
Influence of ideas on larger groups of people
(Enlightenment ideas)
Changes in education
Increase in literacy
Decrease in the power of the Catholic Church
(Protestant Reformation)
Effects on the Renaissance, the Reformation, the
Scientific Revolution
Increase in the availability of fine art prints (impact
of Dürer)
Domestic system no longer cost effective
New inventions (spinning jenny) making
hand work easier
New machine technology replacing hand
technology of spinning jenny
Simplification and standardization of
Assembly line, mass production,
standardization of parts replacing
domestic system
Employment of children
Disruption of traditional family life
Industrial Revolution
Agrarian Revolution
Enclosure Movements
Improved transportation
Details about unsafe working conditions and living
Young women leaving home to work in factories
Growth of proletariat
Development of alternate economic systems
(socialism, communism)
Need for raw materials and markets leading to
imperialism and colonial rivalry
Development of labor unions
Increased influence of middle class (bourgeoisie)
Passage of legislation to address working
conditions (Sadler Report; Mines Act)
Battlefields no longer only venue for war
Increasing influence of technology on
Changes in conduct of war
End of trench warfare
Changes in energy sources for many
Development of missile-defense systems
Long-term physical effects
Awareness of potential of destruction
“Duck and cover” drills and bomb shelters
Balance of terror
Potential for nuclear blackmail
Depersonalization of war and perceived
depreciation in value of human life
Fear of effects by people throughout the world
Nuclear competition
Development of Cold War and rise of superpowers
Controversy over disposal of nuclear wastes
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 5 – A
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 5 – A
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 5 – A
Anchor Level 5-A
The response:
Thoroughly develops all aspects of the task evenly and in depth by explaining how the printing
press and steam-powered machinery changed existing technology and discussing the impact of
these new technologies on Europe and the world
Is more analytical than descriptive (printing press: not many books available; available books
belonged to wealthy because they were expensive; literacy rate very low because nobles and
wealthy made up small part of population; books manufactured much easier and faster after
invention; many people began to think for themselves and question traditional teachings; steam-
powered machinery: women went through many hard and tedious processes to produce cloth
before 1700s; after gathering and processing wool from sheep, women produced thread;
factories expanded and many new jobs opened up; if you did not like the job you could easily be
Incorporates relevant information from documents 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
Incorporates substantial relevant outside information (printing press: literacy rate increased;
“rebirth” of Renaissance; scientists began to question what was generally accepted as the truth;
authority of the Roman Catholic Church; people became more aware of scientific thought of
ancient Greeks and the mathematic and scientific advances from Islamic centers; Reformation a
“protest” of Roman Catholic Church and its practices; Luther did not agree with ways of
Church, especially sale of indulgences; Luther posted 95 Theses on door of Catholic Church in
Wittenberg as his form of complaint and protest; 95 Theses printed for everyone to read; John
Calvin joined Luther in questioning the ways of the Roman Catholic Church; steam-powered
machinery: domestic system in homes displaced by machinery; spinning mule; urbanization;
legislation like Enclosure Acts caused people to move from rural to urban areas; factory owners
paid low wages and permitted horrible working conditions; women and children provided much
of labor and were paid less than men; some factory owners provided housing for workers; some
families forced to live in slums and tenements which were apartment-like buildings in which
one family might live in one room; Industrial Revolution; workers pushed for wage laws and the
right to organize unions; Sadler Commission)
Richly supports the theme with many relevant facts, examples, and details (printing press:
books written on scrolls by monks in a scriptorium; books took months to years to complete;
Gutenberg improved the printing press; approximately half a million books in circulation in
1500; Renaissance; Scientific Revolution; Protestant Reformation; many bibles printed in
German; steam-powered machinery: thread produced on spinning wheels; new jobs in factory;
machines faster and more efficient)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion
that emphasize that technology has both positive and negative effects
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 5. The response does a good job of
integrating document information with extensive and directly related outside information.
Analytical comments, made throughout the response, include good details and explanation of those
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 5 – B
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 5 – B
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 5 – B
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 5 – B
Anchor Level 5-B
The response:
Thoroughly develops all aspects of the task evenly and in depth by explaining how steam-
powered machinery and the atomic bomb changed existing technology and discussing the
impact of these new technologies on Great Britain and the world
Is more analytical than descriptive (steam-powered machinery: cloth for family’s clothing made
by women in the family; any surplus sold; creation of more mills led to need for more workers;
people moved to cities in hopes of making more money; industry increased production of goods;
goods affordable because more goods made; atomic bomb: purpose of bombs was devastation;
no surprise that technology behind World War II weapons of war surpassed World War I level;
Europe stayed out of Hitler’s way but soon learned they would have to do something)
Incorporates relevant information from documents 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9
Incorporates substantial relevant outside information (steam-powered machinery: cottage
industry; self-sufficient way of life; mills no longer had to be built near streams; people left
farmland and moved to cities; nightmares of Industrial Revolution; factories paid low wages;
people who sought reform fired from jobs; children worked long hours and lived under
inhumane conditions; attacks by lice in unsanitary buildings; overseers would beat children if
they were not working fast enough; accidents with unsafe machinery; emergence of middle
class; helped make Great Britain number one world power; imperialism encouraged in areas that
could supply raw materials for industries; atomic bomb: World War I introduced new dawn of
warfare where tanks, trenches, guns, bombs, and missiles made victors of men; Munich
agreement; Hitler’s warfare blitzkrieg or “lightning war” used to conquer most of Eastern
Europe; Japan allied with Axis in World War II; after Germany surrendered, Japan kept
fighting; Truman warned Emperor of Japan to surrender and he refused; Japanese honor kept
them going as it had when the samurai lived by code of Bushido prior to the Meiji; survivors of
bomb face problems with radiation poisoning; some unborn children developed cancer from
exposure to radiation; pollution of nuclear wastes because they are not disposed of properly)
Richly supports the theme with many relevant facts, examples, and details (steam-powered
machinery: women produced cotton or wool thread with spinning wheels; James Watt improved
steam engine; use of coal rather than water power; construction of transportation systems like
railroads increase; atomic bomb: Hitler’s bombing of London destroyed homes and lives but
more people survived this than atomic bomb; in Hiroshima over one-fourth of population died
and one-fourth severely wounded; blast totally destroyed everything within radius of one mile
from explosion; Nagasaki chosen as target of second bomb; buildings destroyed; landscape
scorched; nations still have weapons but they have other uses)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction that is beyond a
restatement of the theme and a conclusion that compares technology that benefits society to
technology that destroys society
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 5. Although the discussion about World
War II is somewhat lengthy, it does provide background for the impact of the atomic bomb.
Historical outside information provides the framework for the narrative and references to document
information complete the discussion.
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 4 – A
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 4 – A
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 4 – A
Anchor Level 4-A
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task by explaining how steam-powered machinery and the atomic
bomb changed existing technology and discussing the impact of these new technologies on
England and the world
Is both descriptive and analytical (steam-powered machinery: for centuries, the basic source of
power used in making clothes had not changed; used to expand location of factories; power
loom produced cloth faster and did not require as much manual work; development of railroad
used the steam engine to greatly expand transportation system; changes in technology radically
changed landscape of England as factories appeared throughout the country; although industry
boomed in Great Britain during the 1800s, the human cost was dreadful; efficient machines
improved quality of clothing; atomic bomb: airplane emerged at the end of World War I and
became even more important in World War II; nuclear weapons might seem like a shield of
protection; nuclear weapons have caused harsh tensions throughout the world, increasing our
chances of warfare)
Incorporates relevant information from documents 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9
Incorporates relevant outside information (steam-powered machinery: invention of cotton gin
increased supply of cotton; many jobs available in factories; working conditions in factories
unbearable and cruel; many workers lost limbs as result of huge, clumsy, unsafe machines;
wages too low; harsh child labor; safety of humans ignored until labor unions were accepted by
the government and workers given the right to vote; atomic bomb: foot soldier with his rifle and
cannon was important in ending battles in beginning of World War I; superpowers, Russia and
the United States, continued to compete in the Cold War; increasing stockpile of weapons;
nuclear weapons exist as sort of an intimidating force against other countries; United States
threatened in the Cuban missile crisis by Soviet nuclear base in nearby Cuba; even though
Soviets agreed to leave Cuba, closest United States has ever gotten to being on the brink of war)
Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details (steam-powered machinery:
clothes made at home using mostly machines powered by hand; steam engine and power loom
greatly expanded factory system; coal used to make steam power; foot-powered spinning wheel;
atomic bomb: United States dropped atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ending World
War II; destruction of these cities killed thousands)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion
that focus on the positive and negative impact of new technology
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 4. The response demonstrates changes
in technology in a historical sense and brings each issue up to date with an explanation of current
technology. Some analytical and evaluative statements are integrated with document information
and outside information. These statements demonstrate an ability to see both sides of an issue,
however, the response tends to use more description than analysis.
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 4 – B
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 4 – B
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 4 – B
Anchor Level 4-B
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task by explaining how the printing press and steam-powered
machinery changed existing technology and discussing the impact of these new technologies on
Is both descriptive and analytical (printing press: enabled texts to circulate with more efficiency
and spread through Europe; monks took months or even years to complete books; various books
could be printed in large amounts per day; cost of books decreased so more people could afford
them; enabled important events to be reported; meant Renaissance and Protestant movement
would have huge impact on people; steam-powered machinery: led to revolution of production
in factories and mills; weavers and spinners took less time to make clothes; production was slow
and inefficient; loom increased production and led to more efficiency; changed the lives of the
common people; skills of spinners and weavers not needed; wages decrease as demand for jobs
increase; disruption of family life; European society changed in a span of less than a century,
from peaceful rural life to blooming industrial life)
Incorporates relevant information from documents 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6
Incorporates relevant outside information (printing press: increase in literacy rate; books made
by hand often too expensive for common people to buy; ideas, cultures, religions, and ideologies
spread more quickly; more access to books by Enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire and
Rousseau; success of Protestant movement due to distribution of things such as Luther’s 95
Theses; steam-powered machinery: invention of hand-powered spinning jenny; Industrial
Revolution; movement of rural people to cities for factory jobs to feed their families;
mistreatment of factory workers; pay barely enough to feed families; children worked to help
feed families; children were a cheap source of labor)
Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details (printing press: improved by
Gutenberg; books made by monks in scriptorium by hand; about half a million books in
circulation by 1500; Columbus’ exploration in New World reported; steam-powered machinery:
thread produced with spinning wheel by women; steam-powered loom; increase in cotton and
coal production and in railroads)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion
that restate the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 4. The outside information is clearly
explained and is integrated throughout the response. Some analytical statements serve as
conclusions to link statements of fact. However, the analysis is somewhat simplistic.
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 4 – B
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 4 – C
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 4 – C
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 4 – C
Anchor Level 4-C
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task but discusses the impact of the atomic bomb and the printing
press on Europe and the world more thoroughly than explaining how these new technologies
changed existing technology
Is both descriptive and analytical (atomic bomb: revolutionized the types of weapons and power
plants; effect of a massive explosion which was second to none; truly miraculous in power
plants; led to creation of nuclear power plant; nuclear technology widely used in world today;
printing press: revolutionized writing and literature; tremendous improvement over writing by
hand; more books produced in a shorter amount of time; books now for everyone not just
princes and nobles; helped bring Europe out of the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance;
allowed people to learn through books; took tremendous power from the Church; made people
question their own beliefs; led to technologies we use today; revolutionized the Middle Ages)
Incorporates relevant information from documents 1, 2, 3, 8, and 9
Incorporates relevant outside information (atomic bomb: completely different technology than
gunpowder; atomic power required no oil or coal to run; created massive amounts of energy
which could supply an entire city; contained radiation which could cause mutations and deaths;
United States and Russia main leaders of the Cold War; democratic and communist nations;
nuclear accident at Chernobyl increased opposition to nuclear power; continued upheaval in
Persian Gulf increases oil prices and arguments for supporters of nuclear power; printing press:
commoners could now get books; high prices of handwritten books; helped Protestants justify
their separation from the Catholic Church; showed normal people what Bible really said because
it was printed in their language and there were more copies; made people think about church
practices, such as sale of indulgences)
Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details (atomic bomb: death of thousands
of people and destruction of many buildings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki; United States and
Russia have leading amounts of nuclear weapons; Oppenheimer; printing press: books produced
faster than by hand; books by hand could take several years; approximately half a million books
in print by 1500; led to new technologies such as typewriters and computers; Gutenberg)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion
that summarizes the impact of new technology
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 4. Although the response focuses on the
impact of the two technologies, the changes of technology are suggested throughout the response.
The discussion of nuclear technology as the change from the technology of the atomic bomb
demonstrates the ability to see different dimensions of the issue.
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 4 – C
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 3 – A
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 3 – A
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 3 – A
Anchor Level 3-A
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task by mentioning how the printing press and the atomic bomb
changed existing technology and discussing the impact of these new technologies on Europe and
the world
Is more analytical than descriptive (printing press: makes possible the reflection and facilitation
of learning on a wide scale; among the most influential technological advances in world history;
machine’s tremendous global impact due to commodity whose distribution it facilitates—ideas;
books were the way in which people communicated thoughts, many of which would stimulate
humankind to learn and rebel; no longer limited to capabilities of scribes; books became
available on an unprecedented scale; new mobility of ideas accelerated Renaissance and
encouraged Protestant Reformation; atomic bomb: warfare incited mankind to devise new
methods of destruction; harnessing of nuclear power during World Wars led to creation of
atomic bomb; pressures of war combined with ignorance of full capabilities led to invention of
infamous atomic bomb; weapon destructive to an extreme that outstripped earlier technological
warfare; feeling threatened by this terrible new power, other nations scrambled to harness it
themselves for protection; offered a warning of the untold extent of power that technology could
grant in the future)
Incorporates some relevant information from documents 1, 3, 8, and 9a
Incorporates limited relevant outside information (atomic bomb: first bomb inflicted on two
cities full of civilians; technology of atomic bomb resulted in a vicious global arms race)
Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details (printing press: scribes writing by hand;
atomic bomb: utilization of nuclear technology; first bombs inflicted on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki by America; devastation spread for miles, leaving innumerable fatalities and even
more injured); includes some minor inaccuracies (Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press; in
1946, use of nuclear technology led to the invention of the atomic bomb)
Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that
emphasize that technology possesses beneficial and destructive facets
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 3. Most of the response contains good
analytical statements. Even though the overall response demonstrates a good understanding of the
impact of technology, the discussion of how the printing press and the atomic bomb changed
existing technology is very limited. In addition, the response contains several broad, unsubstantiated
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 3 – B
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 3 – B
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 3 – B
Anchor Level 3-B
The response:
Develops some aspects of the task in some depth by explaining how the printing press changed
existing technology and discussing the impact of the printing press and the atomic bomb on
Europe and the world
Is more descriptive than analytical (changes cause new problems that were never in existence;
printing press: hand production caused high cost which meant lower classes would not read the
books; made Protestant Reformation a success; led to lower price on the Bible; made computer
age possible; atomic bomb: influenced by advancement in nuclear technology; used for war
purposes, but many other countries are using nuclear technology for an energy source)
Incorporates some relevant information from documents 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, and 9
Incorporates limited relevant outside information (printing press: poor became literate; brought
about rise in education; Martin Luther’s translation of the Bible printed; Luther’s Bible written
in the vernacular; atomic bomb: used at end of World War II; effects of radiation from the bomb
on health of Japanese involved in the bombings; nuclear waste from nuclear power harmful to
humans and environment)
Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details (printing press: Gutenberg; before this
invention, books had to be written by hand; led to advancements in typing; atomic bomb: effects
of dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki devastating; glass found up to 12 miles from
bomb; one-fourth of population killed from impact; use of nuclear technology for energy
source); includes a minor inaccuracy (Gutenberg invented the printing press)
Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that
restate the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 3. The discussion of the atomic bomb is
very general, mentioning that the atomic bomb caused more damage than a “normal” bomb and
containing almost no analysis. The integration of outside information with document information
strengthens the discussion of the printing press. The response demonstrates a good understanding of
the impact of both the printing press and the atomic bomb.
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 3 – C
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 3 – C
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 3 – C
Anchor Level 3-C
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task with little depth by explaining how steam-powered machinery
and the atomic bomb changed existing technology and discussing the impact of these new
technologies on Great Britain and the world
Is more descriptive than analytical (steam powered machinery: allowed people to do less work
and still get the job done; before workers forced to make everything by hand which took a
longer period of time and much more effort; factories opened in cities to accommodate the
workforce that could be used; work was hard and dangerous in factories; created many jobs;
atomic bomb: entire cities would be completely destroyed; results very deadly and destructive;
led to many conflicts between world powers)
Incorporates some relevant information from documents 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9
Incorporates limited relevant outside information (steam powered machinery: Industrial
Revolution; urbanization; dangerous for children to work in factories; dangerous working
conditions led to many new child labor laws; atomic bomb: Cold War; Cuban missile crisis;
United States worried that Cuba had weapons)
Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details (steam powered machinery: many women
and children went to work in factories; increase in production of coal and cotton; railroads built
to transport materials; atomic bomb: bomb at Hiroshima killed or injured almost one-half of the
population; United States and Russia have huge stockpile of dangerous weapons); includes
some inaccuracies (steam powered machinery: child labor laws of the 1930s and 1940s; atomic
bomb: before its creation, only houses and a few buildings would be ruined or crumbled)
Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that
are a restatement of the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 3. Outside information and document
information are woven into the narrative. The inclusion of some analytical statements adds to the
discussion. However, the response includes several broad generalizations and misinterprets the
information in Document 7.
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 2 – A
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 2 – A
Anchor Level 2-A
The response:
Develops some aspects of the task in some depth by discussing the impact of the atomic bomb
and steam-powered machinery on the world
Is both analytical and descriptive (without technological advancements, humans would not be
the advanced race we are today; not all technology has had a positive effect on humans; some
technology comes with a price; atomic bomb: killing millions and millions of people with one
bomb; Earth could be uninhabitable if all the nuclear weapons were detonated; arouses doubts
as to the morals of the leaders of the world; steam-powered machinery: productivity increased
by massive amounts)
Incorporates limited relevant information from documents 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9
Presents some relevant outside information (atomic bomb: nuclear power reactors, new source
of energy that is highly effective but has problems; United States and Soviet Union engaged in a
cold war for many years due to nuclear weapon capabilities; steam-powered machinery:
working conditions stooped to an all-time low; factories ruthless to the common worker; poor
wages; dangerous working environment and long hours led to a generally poor standard of
living for the worker)
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (atomic bomb: nuclear power reactors
currently being used by over thirty countries; nuclear technology being used as weapons;
bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; steam-powered machinery: coal, cotton, production of
railroads skyrocketed; 1780s; large factories of looms); includes an inaccuracy (pollution
formed by reactors contributed to global warming, acid rain, and a general decrease in the
quality of air)
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; contains digressions (printing press); includes an
introduction and a conclusion that focus on the positive and negative effects of technology
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 2. The information about the printing
press cannot be used to determine the score level of this response as two technological changes have
already been addressed. While the discussion of steam-powered machinery is somewhat superficial,
the discussion of the atomic bomb contains some good analytical statements.
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 2 – A
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 2 – B
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 2 – B
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 2 – B
Anchor Level 2-B
The response:
Develops some aspects of the task in some depth by explaining how the printing press changed
existing technology and discussing the impact of the atomic bomb on Europe and the world
Is primarily descriptive; includes isolated application and analysis (some technological advances
are used to benefit society while others are used to destroy society; printing press: when people
wanted a book they would have to make a copy themselves with pen and ink; Bible would take
months or years to be copied; atomic bomb: caused massive explosion; Nagasaki bombed
because Japanese refused to surrender after bombing of Hiroshima; power plants are unstable
and radioactive, but they provide an energy source; many countries all over the world have
nuclear weapons more powerful than the ones dropped on Japan; atomic bomb destroyed many
people’s lives)
Incorporates limited relevant information from documents 1, 2, 8, and 9
Presents some relevant outside information (printing press: increased the literacy of people in
Europe; atomic bomb: invented with the help of a German scientist; development part of the
Manhattan Project; made from uranium, an ore that was highly unstable and radioactive; United
States made four atomic bombs; one used to test the bomb’s power; United States did not want
to really use the bomb on the Japanese; United States gave fair warning, but the Japanese
refused to surrender; Japan surrendered after the second bomb; if the core in power plants goes
into a melt down, it will create an explosion like the atomic bomb)
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (printing press: Gutenberg; increased
production of books; atomic bomb: many died from it; city of Hiroshima bombed by the United
States; everything in a 12-mile radius either damaged or completely destroyed; use of atomic
energy in power plants; many countries all over the world have nuclear power plants); includes
some inaccuracies (printing press invented by Gutenberg; United States chose the two cities
because they had a relatively small population)
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; contains digressions; includes an introduction and
a conclusion that summarize the impact of technological changes
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 2. The discussion shows an
understanding of the development and the use of the atomic bomb by the United States in World
War II; however, much of the information does not specifically address the task. Several
conclusions are not well supported.
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 2 – C
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 2 – C
Anchor Level 2-C
The response:
Develops some aspects of the task in some depth by explaining how the printing press changed
existing technology and discussing the impact of this new technology on the Protestant
Is primarily descriptive; includes weak and isolated application and analysis (inventions have
changed everyday life of the human race; printing continued to be a slow, tedious process; after
the printing press, the process of making books was done at a faster rate; allowed for the success
of the Protestant Reformation; Gutenberg not credited as much as he should have been for his
Incorporates limited relevant information, including some copied information, from documents
1, 2, and 3
Presents little relevant outside information (many technological advancements have allowed
cultural diffusion, power to gain knowledge, and the ability to travel; allowed ideas of Martin
Luther to be expressed on paper)
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (earliest books copied on scrolls; books
produced by monks who worked with pen and ink; printing done in a scriptorium); includes an
inaccuracy (Gutenberg invented the printing press)
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; includes an introduction that refers to the general
impact of new technology and lacks a conclusion
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 2. Although only the printing press is
discussed and some information is copied from the documents, both aspects of the task are
addressed. The inclusion of some outside information and a good introduction strengthen the
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 1 – A
Anchor Level 1-A
The response:
Minimally develops some aspects of the task by mentioning the impact of steam-powered
machinery in general and the impact of bombing on London and Japan
Is descriptive; lacks understanding, application, and analysis (steam-powered machinery:
powered machines in factories; production of goods increased greatly; gave us more efficient
production in mines and factories; atomic bomb: wiped out whole cities and turned them into
Incorporates limited relevant information from documents 5, 6, 7, and 8
Presents limited relevant outside information (steam-powered machinery: main energy source
during the Industrial Revolution)
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (steam-powered machinery: improved by
James Watt; first used to pump water from mines; by 1780s, powered machines in cotton
factories; atomic bomb: bombing of London by German planes; over one-fourth of Hiroshima’s
population killed and at least another one-fourth severely injured; over one-third of Nagasaki’s
buildings destroyed or damaged)
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; includes an introduction that restates the historical
context, mentioning which documents will be used, and a conclusion that summarizes the
effects of the two technologies
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 1. Most of the response depends on a
brief summary of information from the documents. This information is limited in scope and lacks
details. The presentation of information demonstrates a better understanding of the steam engine’s
impact than of the impact of the atomic bomb.
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 1 – A
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 1 – B
Anchor Paper – Document–Based Essay—Level 1 – B
Anchor Level 1-B
The response:
Minimally develops some aspects of the task by mentioning how the printing press changed
existing technology and mentioning the impact of the printing press and steam-powered
machinery on Great Britain and the world
Is descriptive; lacks understanding, application, and analysis (countries often compete for the
best technological devices; technology helps to increase industry and brings many prosperous
aspects to a country; printing press: great relief to monks because prior to Gutenberg’s
invention, they were writing books with pen and ink, which could take months or even years)
Incorporates limited relevant information from documents 1, 2, 5a, and 6
Presents limited relevant outside information (printing press: significantly increased literacy
because more books were available)
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (printing press: by 1500, an estimated half a
million books published; steam-powered machinery: used to pump water from mines and forge
iron; increased industrial production); includes an inaccuracy (Gutenberg invented the printing
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; includes an introduction that addresses the
importance of technology and a brief conclusion, stating that technology is a benefit
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 1. The discussion of steam-powered
machinery is much weaker than the discussion of the printing press. Most of the information is
copied from the documents. Relevant statements are made about the printing press, but these
statements are not supported with specific details.
Document–Based Essay—Practice Paper – A
Document–Based Essay—Practice Paper – A
Document–Based Essay—Practice Paper – A
Document–Based Essay—Practice Paper – B
Document–Based Essay—Practice Paper – B
Document–Based Essay—Practice Paper – C
Document–Based Essay—Practice Paper – C
Document–Based Essay—Practice Paper – D
Document–Based Essay—Practice Paper – D
Document–Based Essay—Practice Paper – D
Practice Paper A—Score Level 4
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task by explaining how the printing press and steam-powered
machinery changed existing technology and discussing the impact of these new technologies on
the world
Is both descriptive and analytical (with new inventions came a higher quality of goods, along
with a larger quantity; technology has impacted the world since man first picked up a stone tool;
technology can give one country a sense of security and at the same time create tension in
another; printing press: resulted in enormous changes; even a small book could take months to
produce; books were very expensive and unaffordable for majority of people; books became
cheaper with more efficient means of production; rapid spread of liberal ideas; steam-powered
machinery: water power no longer needed for operation; factories could move away from rivers;
made goods cheaper; efficient means of production)
Incorporates relevant information from documents 1, 2, 3, and 5a
Incorporates relevant outside information (printing press: if earlier religious reformers had the
printing press, the Protestant Reformation may have started with them rather than Luther and
Calvin; ideas of revolution from Locke and the Americas reached France and they also
underwent a revolution; circulars and daily newspapers made the ideas of Rousseau a very
powerful weapon; increased literacy and spread liberal ideas; steam-powered machinery:
industrialization benefited businessmen; people needed to run the machines received low wages;
working conditions very unpleasant; family life suffered as men, women, and children worked
long hours in factories; Marx and Engels pointed how people were missing the potential of
technology as factory owners were using it only to further their own benefit; urbanization
occurred rapidly as people moved to cities to work in factories; pollution became a problem; rise
in standard of living)
Supports the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details (printing press: Gutenberg; books
produced by monks with pen and ink; in 1500s, more than 1000 printers active in Europe;
almost half a million books circulating in Europe, including religious works, Greek and Roman
classics, and scientific texts; spread of Renaissance and Protestant Reformation; steam-powered
machinery: replacement of hand-operated spinning wheels; improved steam engine of James
Watt; machines ran on coal instead of water)
Demonstrates a logical and clear plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion
that emphasize the positive and negative impacts of technology
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 4. The integration of outside
information with document information strengthens the response. By mentioning specific historical
examples, the response effectively communicates how broadly society is affected by new
technology. However, the information provided for the steam engine is weaker than that provided
for the printing press. In addition, some of the conclusions are rather simplistic.
Practice Paper B—Score Level 3
The response:
Develops all aspects of the task by mentioning how the steam engine and the printing press
changed existing technology and discussing the impact of these new technologies on 16th-
century Europe and the world
Is both descriptive and analytical (steam engine: Watt made steam engine more efficient and
capable of powering machinery; factories sprang up, full of machines which depended on the
steam engine as their source of power; as industry grew, more factories were built and more
people had jobs; textile factories popular workplace for women; women operated power looms
with supervision; continued growth of industrial production; printing press: although inventions
being created, people still turned to traditional way of copying literature by hand; copying by
hand extremely time consuming and not effective; spread many ideas; made known the culture
of the Renaissance and made copies of the Bible more readily available; increased circulation of
works of literature led to increased literacy of the population)
Incorporates some relevant information from documents 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6
Incorporates relevant outside information (steam engine: at first many people out of work
because less people needed to operate machinery than needed to make goods by hand; factories
created textiles; a side effect of growing industry was child labor, poor wages, and poor working
conditions for workers; printing press: Luther had many complaints and ideas that went against
the teachings of the Catholic Church; used by Luther to publish his ideas and make them
available to the public)
Includes some relevant facts, examples, and details (steam engine: improved by James Watt;
before most tasks done by hand; printing press: sped up production of books, newspapers,
announcements); includes some minor inaccuracies (Watt improved steam engine by switching
its source of power from water to coal; Gutenberg invented the printing press)
Demonstrates a satisfactory plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that
restate the theme
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 3. Although the explanation of how
steam-powered machinery and the printing press changed existing technology is limited and the
response contains a few minor inaccuracies, the use of document information and the inclusion of
outside information to discuss the impact of these technologies are very good. Overgeneralizations,
such as Martin Luther was leading the Protestant Reformation, weaken the response.
Practice Paper C—Score Level 1
The response:
Minimally develops some aspects of the task by mentioning how the printing press changed
existing technology and mentioning the impact of the printing press and steam-powered
machinery on the world
Is descriptive; lacks application and analysis (printing press: allowed books to be published at
an astoundingly increased rate; without it, Protestant movement would have failed thus altering
the world we live in today; without the Gutenberg press, we may not have invented computers)
Incorporates limited relevant information from documents 1, 2, 3, and misinterprets documents
5 and 6
Presents no relevant outside information
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (printing press: took years to write a single
draft of a short book); includes inaccuracies (without the invention of the steam engine, we
might still be working twenty-hour shifts in uncomfortable factories; agricultural growth would
never have taken off)
Demonstrates a weakness in organization; lacks an introduction and a formal conclusion
although the last sentence refers to the helpful benefits of the printing press and the steam
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 1. The information presented to explain
the printing press documents is limited to a few general statements. The references to the steam
engine are weak, especially in the interpretation of document 6. Only one graph in document 5
refers to agricultural growth. The response fails to develop the overall sense of this document.
Practice Paper D—Score Level 2
The response:
Minimally develops all aspects of the task by explaining how the printing press and steam-
powered machinery changed existing technology and discussing the impact of these new
technologies on the world
Is primarily descriptive; includes weak application and analysis (technology helps people get
through the day; in today’s society, almost everyone depends on technology; printing press: led
to computers; books expensive and owned only by the rich; once printing press used by others,
things changed for the better; variety of books printed; inspired computers and printers of today;
steam-powered machinery: led to growth of factories; production of clothing became easier)
Incorporates limited relevant information from documents 1, 2, 4, 5b, and 6
Presents little relevant outside information (printing press: Middle Ages; before, illiteracy very
high; after, literacy level increased; steam-powered machinery: could produce more products,
which were traded with other countries)
Includes few relevant facts, examples, and details (printing press: before, monks had to sit in
copy rooms and copy books by hand; took months sometimes years to copy; first thing
Gutenberg printed was the Bible; about half a million books printed; variety of books from
religious to Greek and Roman, science, and many others; steam-powered machinery: before,
clothing made by hand; every five years, the growth got bigger and bigger); includes some
inaccuracies (Gutenberg invented the printing press; women used spinning sewing wheel to
produce clothing)
Demonstrates a general plan of organization; includes an introduction and a conclusion that
refer to the impact of technology on the world of today
Conclusion: Overall, the response fits the criteria for Level 2. Although some general outside
information is included in the response, most of the discussion depends on basic information
provided in the documents. The response relies on broad generalities with a few specifics scattered
within the narrative.
Global History and Geography
Specifications Grid
August 2005
Part I
Multiple Choice Questions by Standard
Question Numbers
1—US and NY History
2—World History
2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 30, 34,
35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43
1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 12, 16, 17, 20, 25, 28, 32, 36,
46, 48, 50
11, 19, 26, 27, 33, 39, 44, 45, 49
5—Civics, Citizenship, and Government 18, 22, 29, 31, 47
Parts II and III by Theme and Standard
Thematic Essay
Change: Decision
Making; Environment and
Society; Power
Standard 2: World History
Document-based Essay Science and Technology;
Factors of Production;
Change; Economic
Standards 2 and 4: World History;
The Chart for Determining the Final Examination Score for the
August 2005 Regents Examination in Global History and Geography will be
posted on the Department’s web site http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/osa/ on the
day of the examination. Conversion charts provided for the previous adminis-
trations of the Global History and Geography examination must NOT be used
to determine students’ final scores for this administration.

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